Singing Guide: Dexy's Midnight Runners

Singing Guide: Dexy's Midnight Runners

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you are looking to learn how to sing like Kevin Rowland, the lead singer of Dexys Midnight Runners, then you are in for a treat. Kevin is known for his distinctive vocal style, which is full of passion, emotion, and power. Here are some tips on how to develop your singing skills to sound like Kevin Rowland.

Before you start singing like Kevin Rowland, you need to analyze your voice. Singing Carrots' "How to analyze your voice" article provides insight on how to identify your voice's unique qualities.

To sing Dexys Midnight Runners' songs, you will need to have a vocal range that allows you to hit high notes with ease. Start by taking the Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test to determine your range.

Kevin Rowland uses a unique vocal technique that features a lot of chest voice, emphasizing his power and emotion. Singing in chest voice means to sing lower notes with strength. Singing Carrots' article on "Chest Voice and Vocal Registers" elaborates on how to train your chest voice.

Breathing is critical to attaining the vocal power you need to sound like Kevin Rowland. Visit Singing Carrots' "Breathing Basics" for some tips on how to control your breath.

While Kevin Rowland uses his chest voice considerably, he also accentuates his voice's sound by adding a twang. You can learn how to twang by visiting Singing Carrots' video for "How to Twang."

Singing is like any other skill you need to practice repeatedly to improve. Singing Carrots' "Pitch Training" is an excellent tool to practice singing exercises, including warming up your voice and increasing your range.

Dexys Midnight Runners' songs are full of emotion, so to develop your vocal literacy, practice their iconic songs like "Come On Eileen" or "Geno." Visit Singing Carrots' "Search Songs" page to find songs that match your vocal range and musical preference.

By following these practical tips and resources on Singing Carrots, you will be able to sing like Kevin Rowland in no time. Always remember that improving your singing skills needs patience and consistent practice.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.